
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tiger Woods

The Tiger Woods was Chernobyl-type disaster for the golf world, and a three mile Island type disaster for the rest of sports. Many people feel bad for Tiger, or hate him. I'm not here to defend or to attack him. It is not my place. Also, I will not go out and attack journalism as a whole for this incident. The art form of journalism is based upon writing upon things people are interested in. If a reliable source offered to tell you a huge story for free about Tiger Woods' personal life, would you refuse? Even if you say yes, "I would refuse", millions of other Americans would agree. Reading the story then attacking the journalists is a paradox in itself.
Tiger Woods is the most clutch athlete I've ever seen. His chip on the 16th at the Masters a few years back is unforgettable in my mind. I think he'll come back and eventually people will begin to view the cheating story as old and media will cover more about his golf career as opposed to personal life. My favorite quote of the whole incident came from the least likely source, Gilbert Arenas (just suspended entire NBA season for gun "joke" in locker room, former cover athlete of NBA Live, absolute nightmare for NBA public affairs committee). According to Gilbert-
"...I love Tiger. I got three Tiger Woods games for my XBox just in case one gets scratched. On the cover, it doesn't have him walking next to his wife. It just has Tiger Woods hitting shots." Of course, he forgot to mention that next years cover has his wife swinging the club at his face (Just kidding).

Anyways, Tiger has announced his return to golf in April in the Masters. There's no better place I'd like to see him return. At this time, I a.) want to see Tiger return to greatness b.) see golf return to the lower end of major sports in the U.S. c.) stop writing about golf.

This winter was not a great one for Tiger, but I've got news for him. With the inevitable spring ahead, the sun is coming. My advice for Tiger... Listen to a simple Beatles song everyone knows and loves.

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